Some factoids that would interest @sankrant
- Calcutta Medical College began with 20 students being taught Western medicine in Bengali medium. Madhusudan Gupta, a Sanskrit student from a family of Ayurvedic Vaidyas, translated Hooper's Anatomy to Bengali.
- The teaching /1
hospital with 30 beds was set up in the Sanskrit College premises, since the traditional Ayurveda Vaidyas were being instructed there.
- Madras Presidency only started a Vernacular Medical College in 1857 to train medical assistants.
- An American Missionary Dr Fishgreen /2
translated 11 medical textbooks to Tamil while serving in Jaffna and began admitting Tamil and Sinhala students in Tamil-medium medical school in 1852.
- In 1826, a medical school was started, with texts translated into Gujarati and Marathi by John McLennan. It was an /3
initiative of Montstuart Elphinstone. It didn't last beyond a few years, and restarted in 1846-47. Nagpur's Medical College started classes in Marathi in 1878.
- Urdu language medical education was started in 1843 in Hyderabad by W C Mc Lean.
- In early 20th CE, this was /4
discontinued, so that a medical journal called Dhanvantri in Madras wrote about the loss of native medical knowledge in 1923.
- Punjab was an interesting case. Hakims were trained in basic Western medical techniques - administering quinine and smallpox inoculation - between /5
1856 and 1867 in various initiatives. In 1870, Hakims were admitted for instruction in Western medicine in native language (presumably Punjabi). They graduated in 1876, but were not give licenses to practice. Hakims were no longer recruited for medical service after 1889 /6
The idea of medical instruction in Indian languages is not so outlandish as we may think /END
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