The attached clip is being widely shared on various temple groups on Twitter, targeting BJP govt and alleging that temples are being demolished in the name of beautification.

In this thread, I'll explain how the allegations are false and how fake outrage is being fuelled.
Jagannath Puri has been a centre of high reverence for Hindus since 12th century. Every year, lakhs of pilgrims visit the place due to its mysteries which defy science and laws of physics.

I'm sure you all know about mysteries. If not, pls tell me. I'll add few in this thread.
A demolition drive has been ordered for all religious and commercial structures within 75 metre radius of the main temple.

This drive was ordered because of several structures having underground and secret passages in the city. These passages lead to places of importance.
These places are crucial if an attack is planned on pilgrims.

The video, which I shared above, is being circulated as that of Emar Matha.

Emar Matha has underground tunnels, few of which were believed to have possessed hidden treasures.
Upon excavation, it was discovered that there were no treasures. However, the path led to crucial places from where safety of the main temple could be targeted by anti-social elements very easily.

With the size of our population, it is tough to monitor each pilgrimage.
However, BJP still spoke in favor of the 900 year old Matha. However, after the excavation and the findings as well as information received via IB thereof, there was little that could be done to retain any of the Mathas within 75 m radius: secret paths could destroy main temple
Thus, demolition began. However, it was not done without hefty compensation for every person on the land. A 500 crore package was announced, which covered rebuilding and relocation of Emar Matha also.

It was to save our religious place which was on high target list of Ms.
So, the claims made by those outraging on Twitter that -
(1) BJP is not doing anything.
(2) Temples are being destroyed in the name of beautification -
are both incorrect. The temples are being protected in a better manner& so r pilgrims/citizens.

Pls always #FactCheckWithPoesy
One of the Chardham pilgrimages, Jagannath Puri temple is a source of high energy. It was built by King Indradyumn following his holy dip in the river, where he found an iron rod floating (iron rods don't float, so that's first mystery).
The king then stated that Lord Vishnu had whispered in his ears that it was his heart and had to be established at the place where Jagannath resided, in Puri.

King Indradyumn ran with the rod to the spot and placed it in Jagannath Puri. He never allowed anyone to touch/see it.
Other mystery associated with Puri temple is the Dhwaja. It defies all laws of science.

The Dhwaja of Puri floats in the opposite direction of the wind. None of the scientists have been able to come up with any explanation on this phenomenon. It remains a mystery after 900 yrs.
The temple has been under observation for centuries by scientists. A striking reality of this temple is, that no bird has ever been able to fly over the Dhwaja. Never. Not once in 900 years.

Puri temple is rich with divine energy. And -
And it still retains its magical, supernatural powers, after going through invasions.

Our enemies are targeting the place. We need more security there, hence the demolition drive of structures within 75 metre radius.

Please ask me before you fall for any fake narrative of HRW.
You can follow @Poesy_Me.
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