There seems to be a lot going, some of which I am very well aware of & others I have questions about that I’ll take offline to ask comrades. There’s been a lot of trauma brought up, a whole lotta bigotry that shocked & hurt many, and ongoing safety issues re certain people otg 1/
Firstly, I did take a long ass walk yesterday and just breathed for a while and really recommend getting those moments in where you can. Few personal thoughts if you’ll bear with me. Restorative justice can only take place when the person properly admits to doing harm and 2/
puts in the work to undo said harm. The onus falls on them. It can be a long & arduous process. Also let’s not revert straight to punitive mentality when a far-right propagandist says so. Believe victims & survivors. And know somebody can be the most charming & kind individual 3/
individual around you while having caused major harm to somebody else. Also know that just because something is not being publicized here does not mean folks are not having one on one conversations and trying to figure all this out as they go along. 4/
Lotta sleep-deprived, traumatized people trying to hold a lot while sometimes being put on pedestals they never asked to be put on. It’s all really heavy and so many of us are going through it alone. I’m sorry. This sucks. It’s painful. Hang in there 🤎 5/5
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