1. Wrong. Socialism in one country didn't mean forgoing international revolution. Trotsky was a Euro-chauvinist in the sense that he couldn't envision the construction of socialism in the USSR prior to successful revolutions in the advanced capitalist countries in W. Europe https://twitter.com/Winedarksea4/status/1340069039129976832
2. When Marx and Engels predicted that socialist revolution would first occur in the advanced capitalist countries, imperialism hadn't been fully developed, and hence they could not witness and analyze the uneven development between countries and theorize the law of uneven dvlpmt
3. Here's a quote from Lenin: "the victory of socialism in one country does not at one stroke eliminate all wars in general. On the contrary, it presupposes wars. The development of capitalism proceeds extremely unevenly in different countries.
4. It cannot be otherwise under commodity production. From this it follows irrefutably that socialism cannot achieve victory simultaneously in all countries.
5. It will achieve victory first in one or several countries, while the others will for some time remain bourgeois or pre-bourgeois."

Source: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/miliprog/i.htm
6. Here's another quote from Lenin "I know that there are, of course, wiseacres with a high opinion of themselves and even calling themselves socialists, who assert that power should not have been taken until the revolution broke out in all countries.
7. They do not realise that in saying this they are deserting the revolution and going over to the side of the bourgeoisie. To wait until the working classes carry out a revolution on an international scale means that everyone will remain suspended in mid-air. This is senseless.
8. Everyone knows the difficulties of a revolution. It may begin with brilliant success in one country and then go through agonising periods, since final victory is only possible on a world scale, and only by the joint efforts of the workers of all countries.
9. Our task consists in being restrained and prudent, we must manoeuvre and retreat until we receive reinforcements. A change over to these tactics is inevitable, no matter how much they are mocked by so-called revolutionaries with no idea of what revolution means."
11. Let's contrast what Lenin said with the shit Trotsky said: "Without direct state support from the European proletariat, the working class of Russia will not be able to maintain itself in power and to transform its temporary rule into a lasting socialist dictatorship."
13. Should the USSR just sat there and waited for successful revolutions in other countries? If it sent forces abroad to help the European proletariat conquer state power, would victory have been guaranteed? Remember, the Soviet people were sick and tired of war.
14. The question at hand wasn't whether to build socialism in one country or in more countries, but whether to build socialism in one country, or not to build it at all.
15. It's funny how Trotskyites make it seem like Lenin and Trotsky were in agreement on this issue, whereas Stalin pulled socialism in one country out of his ass, when Stalin in fact didn't even come up with the idea of building socialism in one country (though he carried it out)
16. Socialism in one country was never the end-all-be-all goal. The theory just states that it is indeed possible to construct socialism in one or a few countries at first. A stronger USSR would've meant a more reliable base of world revolution. Trotskyites don't seem to get it.
17. Lenin and Stalin saw most peasants as allies of the proletariat, because they didn't see peasants as a monolith, but recognized that class antagonisms existed among them. Poor peasants and kulaks were worlds apart.
18. Trotsky, on the other hand, didn't believe in the peasants, and instead viewed Western European workers are more reliable allies. If the revolutionary potential of W. European workers was so great, surely they wouldn't have needed Soviet assistance, right?
19. After all, according to Trotsky, it was the backwards Russian workers that needed "direct state support" from Europe after they have a successful revolution.
20. The fact of the matter is, if socialism weren't first built in the USSR, it would have been destroyed.
21. Here's what Stalin wrote on socialism in one country: "The victory of socialism in one country is not a self-sufficient task.
22. The revolution which has been victorious in one country must regard itself not as a self-sufficient entity, but as an aid, as a means for hastening the victory of the proletariat in all countries.
23. For the victory of the revolution in one country, in the present case Russia, is not only the product of the uneven development and progressive decay of imperialism; it is at the same time the beginning of and the precondition for the world revolution."
25. Only by twisting the words of Lenin and Stalin, can one present socialism in one country as the abandonment of world revolution, and only a naive fool would think Trotsky's idea of world revolution was anything but suicide.
26. You know how they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others? That's Lenin and Stalin. This is Trotsky:
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