1/ so, over the last three months, my timeline has gone hard on the war started by #azerbaijan over the disposition of #NagornoKarabakh and surrounding #armenia controlled territories. I have reached a minor boiling point that needs some setting public record on....thread
2/ one fact, for whatever reason, the society I live in simply doesn't care about this. This pains me as I have worn a uniform precisely b/c I believe in certain standards on certain matters. But more to the point, what needs setting straight is a simple matter...context
3/ for 30 years, both sides in the conflict aggravated and frustrated each other. But only one side, #Azerbaijan , spent that time keeping the wounds of the first war fresh through propaganda, treating #IDP s like shit, and creating a repressive petro monarchy
4/ then, when the society was primed for even the most minor provocation, a series of july border clashes and a propaganda blitz accusing the armenian side of unilaterally undermining negotiations, ignited the easily primed and kept-ignorant public (az represses press like a
5/ mofo)...the bloodthirsty public poured onto the street demanding war. poor economy, pandemic, and falling oil prices made satisfying that public attractive, and a . @NATO member's ( #Turkey), active support and blessing made it practical. The people of #Azerbaijan
6/ demanded a war of aggression, the state obliged, and the world said "oh, that sounds serious, hope it's for the best, glhf". For 30 years these people kept their wounds raw instead of healing b/c it served the people in power...and then with a little salt
7/ they cried and wailed in pain. I am a refugee of that same original war...neither I nor my family, nor anyone I know spent 30 years walking around and crying about their long gone home they can never see. We grew up and actually healed...these people didn't.
8/ and so, we have a lesson here about how to keep an ignorant public primed for a war that a state prepares for for the better part of 15 years. Every analyst worth his salt saw this coming and knew it was a matter of opportunity, which makes western silence
9/ and tacit approval all the more immoral. Azeri nationalism and bloodlust should be taught as a lesson of nation-scale immorality that simply led to people dying. As a society they are easily provoked toddlers who should not be welcomed any further into western
10/ society. The barbarity and prolifically documented state sanctioned war crimes in an unprovoked war of aggression should find no sanction, no friend, no tolerance. To do different is indeed immoral.
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