"I cannot promise to obey a law I do not respect." --Margaret Sanger
Despite the propaganda to the contrary, Sanger was pro-life and invented Planned Parenthood to stop abortions. At the time, discussing contraception via the mail was a felony and inspecting letters was common. Even doctors refused to educate patients under penalty of conviction.
"Throughout all ages the beacon lights of human progress have been lit by the lawbreaker." --Sanger
It was only in 1918 when it was ruled legal for a doctor to discuss contraception with his patients.
In 1925 she spent months contacting all of America's rubber manufacturers to produce diaphragms.
They all regarded it as too controversial and refused.
It was not only 1975 that the law recognized the concept of marital rape.
Prior to that, rape laws explicitly only referred to women other than the man's spouse as potential victims of assault.
"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization." --Margaret Sanger
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