Saturn moved into 0° Aquarius on December 17th at 12:04am EST and will stay in the sign of the water-bearer until March 7, 2023.
Who is Saturn anyways?
Saturn is the taskmaster, life coach, personal trainer and kinda like our ultimately well-meaning but sometimes tough-as-nails cosmic drill sergeant.
He’s been in earthy Capricorn for the past 3 years serving us lessons about where we were restricted and where we needed to grow TF up as a society.
Now, he moves into the air sign of Aquarius to teach us about taking more responsibility as a collective and to help us fly towards the future with an emphasis on expansion and evolution
Fun fact: Saturn moved briefly into ♒️ in March which is when most of the world started locking down and where we started moving communities (Aquarius) and businesses (v Saturn) online and into the digital space (v v Aquarius).
In fact, “social distancing”- the idea of being social while being restricted and ultimately isolated is the most Saturn in Aquarius thing ever.

Also, Jupiter planet of faith, optimism, expansion and benevolence follows suit and moves in the same sign of Aquarius on December 19
So, needless to say, this is a time to focus on embodying the high octave of Aquarius energy.

Aquarian energy is about:
⚡️Community care
⚡️Non-hierarchical structures
⚡️Shared resources
⚡️Sustainability and green initiatives
⚡️Radical envisioning
⚡️Aquarius also rules alien life forms so maybe we have some other fun things in the works- ET, phone home! Galactic Federation, we see you, boo!

Then, on Monday, something truly WILDT happens...
A cosmic kiss, if you will, between these two planetary powerhouses. Jupiter and Saturn only meet up every 20 years, which creates and shapes the next era of societal themes, growth and evolution for our collective.
The last one was in 2000. Think about everything that has changed since then!

Jupiter and Saturn meet up in 0.1° degrees of Aquarius (that’s about the width of a toothpick held at arm’s length according to Sky & Telescope Magazine. Sorry, nerding out a bit here!)
Jupiter and Saturn only meet up in an air sign every 200 years.. and they haven’t been this close in Aquarius since 1623 and it’s the closest observable since 1226.

Yup, you read that right.
We are moving from 200 years in Earth signs (focus on money, industry) and towards an Air sign (science, technology and community). AND this is a once in 800 year transit.
We can expect major areas of advancement in science, technology and community-led initiatives as we move away from the individualist and capitalistic structures towards new ideals.
So, to sum it up, there’s a lot going on. We have a new 20 year cycle within a 200 year cycle within an 800 year cycle. Change is in the air and no matter your age, zodiac sign or where you’re at in the world, you’re going to feel it.
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