2) “A toxic culture will always sacrifice those who call for truth telling, no matter how long the truth teller was part of that culture. . . . (B)e prepared for it.” @smcalpine6 2/6
3) “There are probably more people in your situation–or who back your version of events and are willing to go into bat for you–than you think. Orgs with a problem will always seek to isolate individuals in the hope that they assume they are a one-off person...” @smcalpine6 3/6
4) “Brand protection is the initial knee jerk reaction. When we 1st discussed (saying) sthing about Steve Timmis (someone) indicated evrythg wld be about brand protection... @Acts29's...1st instinct was brand protection by merely saying ‘Steve was being let go.’” @smcalpine6 4/6
5) "Just when you think the thing is settled, the abusive person will come back for a second round. This is especially the case if the person lacks empathy or has a narcissistic personality. However this usually backfires." @smcalpine6 5/6
6) "Finally, don’t expect full justice in this age. If you do you run the risk of becoming bitter. God is no person’s debtor and he will repay everyone according to their deeds. There is a Day of Exposure coming..." @smcalpine6 6/6
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