When I was in Afghanistan on my 1st deployment the Taliban referred to the unit I was with (Chosen Co. 2/503) as the black angels of death. If the Democrats that are making their lists for people like me think they are more fierce than the hardened Taliban fighters that were...
Deathly afraid of us, I say bring it. I'm here waiting. I'm done with their threats. It's time we stand and take our country back from these treasonous bastards. Open your business, visit your family, and throw your mask away. Do not cower, we saw the election and voter fraud...
Now is the time to take a stand. We need to fight like @GenFlynn. We need to unite and stand together because that is their biggest fear. We will not live on our knees, we will not lose our country and rights to them. We need to be sure that this was a free and fair election...
We voted for @realDonaldTrump and it was taken from him with fraud. Are we going to allow this? I know I'm not, who's with me? I will follow all those Patriots who follow me. We need to stand together and unite. Now is the time. The revolution to save our country is coming.
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