Just as Rupert Murdoch made sure he rolled up in his pricey fleet of SUVs to get his vaccine courtesy of Britain’s dreaded socialized medicine, his rich, puffy talent in the colonies will make sure they get theirs, even as they peddle death to their viewers, readers & listeners. https://twitter.com/joyannreid/status/1340046013562810368
The dirty little secret of the political and media right is that they don’t believe any of their own sales pitch. Not for them, anyway. They and their families get government gimmes, tax breaks, all the healthcare they can gwok for free and preferential treatment...
Their true believers — hopped up on race anxiety, hate and fear of “those orhers, those aliens and “socialists!” and never allowed to come down off the high because the spew keeps coming — are free to suffer and starve, so long as they clink their last pennies into the till.
Trump and his party will never stop using them to get richer and richer and richer, and they have no problem destroying this country to get more.
You can follow @JoyAnnReid.
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