
I watched your most recent video:

I enjoy your efforts and appreciate your information sharing, however I just wanted to point out some things that may be erroneous in this video re: Chief Justice Roberts.
Please do not misunderstand, I am not defending this man in general, only the topics circulating.

First, the “black eye club” theory,

This is the original photo
This photo ⤵️ was admittedly created by @VincentCrypt46



Here is an excellent thread from @DisclosureBP that explains how this may NOT be Chief Justice Roberts, but the husband of Chelsea Clinton on holiday in Dominican Republic.

Again, this is only an attempt to potentially clear muddied waters re: these theories on CJR. This is NOT an attempted character assassination against YOU or ANYONE else as I am only a Twitter novice, plus my wife and I really enjoy your YT channel!

“Go Sammy, uh huh!”
Thank you in advance for considering the possibility that the theories floating around may be erroneous. If I am mistaken on any point, feel free to correct me swiftly. On the off chance anyone reads this, they are welcome to offer reproof. Hope this finds you well!
BTW: This is my first ever “thread” and was hesitant to release. I hope it is not offensive as that was nary my intention!

You can follow @4_Musketeer_4.
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