Two important points:

1) The Board of Supervisors & Maricopa County attorneys are complaining they “didn’t have enough time” to comply with the subpoenas. That’s odd - they had no problem giving us only 🚨 2 DAYS 🚨 of discovery in our case! What a bunch of baloney 😂 (Cont...)
2) The County attorneys argue that these subpoenas are “shocking in scope” and would violate Arizonans’ “right to a secret ballot” if this information is turned over. Then how are we ever supposed to AUDIT THE VOTE? Bingo: They don’t want a forensic audit! (Cont...)
In closing, the county attorneys are asking the Court for a “declaration that the subpoenas are unlawful and to quash them.” So much for transparency and election integrity. Time to put an end to this nonsense, Republicans. FIGHT FOR FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS!
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