Since the parlor game of naming ambassadors has begun, here are a few my unsolicited recommendations. First, some principles, We need experience qualified people -- career or political -- in the top jobs. I explain why here. THREAD 1/
Diplomacy with our rivals is most important. For China, Ambassador William Burns would be great. For Russia, Ambassador Maria Yovanovitch would be great. 2/
Next, we need strong ambassadors in the countries that help us contain (and engage) China and Russia. In Europe, that's Germany. Karen Donfried would be ideal there. In Asia, that's Japan. Kurt Campbell would be a strong ambassador there. 3/
Next, we need qualified, strong ambassadors at our multilateral alliances in place to contain Russia & China. In Europe, that's NATO. Julie Smith would be terrific. In Asia... Wait! We don't have a multilateral alliance there. In meantime, what about a senior envoy for the Quad?4
The State Department, NSC & DOD also needs strong, experienced senior people to run point for policy on China and Russia. Too much talent out there to name names and offend those I dont name! End of parlor game. END THREAD 5/
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