Been seeing a recurring theme concerning the voter fraud accusations.

Not unsurprisingly, I see a lot of comments from right-leaning folks pointing out, in their minds, the hypocrisy of Democrats who questioned the '16 election, yet maintain faith in the '20 election.
Here's how I see the differences play out, FWIW...

In the wake of the'16 election, Dems weren't making accusations of voter fraud. Dems, myself among them, suggested there was evidence of Russian influence in the in order to facilitate Trump's election.
That's not an insignificant difference--for the most part, nobody on the left was suggesting the actual votes weren't legit. What we were saying is a lot of the info being used to inform the electorate on how to vote in the election was false.
(To be fair, there were some reports of direct Russian hacking into some Voting systems--but these were not at the core of the debate, and I'm not sure they've been validated/discounted one way or the other.)
The Russian interference in 2016 was subsequently confirmed/validated by the Mueller Investigation, and has since been re-validated by a GOP-led Senate Intel Committee just this year, which ironically, went even farther than Mueller did..... outlining direct collaboration by key members of the Trump Campaign and Russian Intel Officer.
The ONLY notable accusations of actual voter fraud in 2016 came from Trump and his base, falsely claiming that illegal aliens voting cost him a 3M-vote loss in the popular vote.
That claim has, much like the current accusations from the same sources, been long discredited.

To date, there has been ZERO evidence of widespread voter fraud in either the '16 or '20 elections.
Multiple courts, often presided by Republican-leaning and/or nominated Justices, have confirmed this.

It's not complicated. There was no wide-spread voter fraud, there was no "rigged election."

More Americans chose Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

It is what it is.
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