Alright, lemme just start with you're right, Fiction does affect reality, you're not wrong there, but not all fiction is equal in its reach toward reality.

Take the Jaws effect for example. Sharks are in real life situations: giant sea puppies.
they have sharp pointy teeth, but they like nose scritches, they don't really like the taste of humans all that much, and they can bond very easily with people if given the chance, however thanks to movies like Jaws, sharks are one of the most feared creatures in the ocean.
that is a prime example, of fiction affecting reality, because if it didn't, y'all would be more scared of dolphins than sharks. Dolphins are highly intelligent regularly bully other animals, sexually ASSAULT other animals (and humans), and are just generally kinda huge dickheads
but movies like flipper have you all charmed to them.

These are real instances of fiction affecting the opinions and beliefs of people in real life.

Now lets get to the whole 'not all fiction has equal reach' part.
How many people, would you say, Jaws and Flipper managed to reach? Worldwide. From the time of their release to now. Probably everyone right? Y'all have all heard of those movies right?
Now how many of you have heard of a fanfiction called 'The Concert' from the Danny Phantom fandom in 2006?

None of you i'm guessing, and yet that's fiction, it's a smut fic of two 'minors', but it hasn't reached even a miniscule FRACTION of the numbers those two movies reached.
So what have we learned here?

Yes, fiction affects reality, but not all fiction is created equal in its reach to those in real life.

Stop attacking people for creating things that will NEVER reach enough people to cause ANY harm.
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