America's collusion with neo-nazis: a looong & detailed thread on white nationalism in ukraine, the Nazi Reichskommissariat dictatorship of 1941-1944, the azov battalion, the euromaidan coup d'état, and the US + ukraine's votes AGAINST anti-nazi resolutions this wednesday
the US gov'ts collaboration w/ fascist ideologues to undercut the geopolitical goals of their enemies is not new, nor a well-kept secret. the US has begun /multiple/ programs rehabilitating former assets of nazi germany to counter their opponents - including the ukrainian OUN(-B)
for example mykola lebed, a gestapo-trained leader of the OUN militia who oversaw the torture + slaughter of jews in krakow helped bolster west germany's intelligence services in 1947

lebed was sentenced to death in poland in 1934, yet he died in pittsburgh, pennsylvania in 1998
2 yrs after his work for west germany, the CIA smuggled him into the US under a false name. to the CIA which bankrolled his activities for close to half a century, he was simply known as "uncle louie"
lebed's importance comes from the fact that he was one of the leaders of the group mentioned earlier, OUN (the organization of ukrainian nationalists). he was sentenced to death in '34 for the murder of a polish official, yet escaped during the nazi invasion of poland in '39
in 1940, the OUN split into 2 factions: the OUN-B for loyalists of nazi collaborator stepan bandera, and the OUN-M for followers of nazi collaborator andrei melnik - lebed was a leader of the bandera faction. either way, both OUN factions sided with the nazis
melnik aimed to play nice with nazis, hoping that after the war ukraine would be independent. bandera, however, was more keen on forcefully creating an ethnically homogenous, independent ukrainian state with himself as the leader of it - he died after he declaring independence
lebed became the de facto leader of the bandera faction, which controlled the ukrainian insurgent army (UPA) until the end of the war. the UPA was responsible for tens of thousands of murders
after WW2, western intelligence agencies wanted OUN members as informants and infiltrators. the OUN was avowedly anti-communist, and it had a network of guerilla fighters ready for soviet offensives. the CIA chose to work with lebed, as bandera was too "extreme"
their defense for using lebed was the fact that was never an *official* member of the nazi party, yet they admit that he was the top leader of the "anti-soviet ukrainian resistance movement" when non-ukrainian populations were systematically murdered by members of the movement
as said before, the CIA facilitated Lebed’s move to the US, getting asylum for him and his family in '49 and helping him obtain citizenship in '57. he headed CIA project AERODYNAMIC, in control of CIA propaganda publishing company, the Prolog Research and Publishing Association
his salary at that company in 1967 was $11,970, or about $91,700 in today’s money.

his job?

to spread anti-soviet, anti-communist propaganda in the ukraine
later, the ukrainian OUN-B militia reconstituted under the banner of the ukrainian congress committee of america (UCCA), an umbrella organization then comprised of "complete OUN-B fronts"
the reagan administration was clustered with UCCA members, and reagan even welcomed yaroslav stetsko - a banderite leader who oversaw the massacre of 7,000 jews in Lviv - into the white house in 1983 & told him "your struggle is our struggle. your dream is our dream"
everything lined back up in 2014 when the corrupt - but democratically elected - ukrainian pres. viktor yanukovych was ousted in the US backed euromaidan "revolution". the azov battalion was formed to do battle with pro-russian separatists in the country's east
is the azov a fascist group? absolutely. an azov commander - andriy biletsky - earned his stripes as a leader of the fascist group, patriot of ukraine. he made no secret of his mission either, saying the following:
azov rallies have poured out into the streets time and time again, and have even held torchlit rallies in Lviv in honor of gen. roman shukhevych, late commander of the UPA insurgent militia that helped massacre thousands of jews. even their symbolism is explicitly fascist
a year before the Lviv rally, the obama administration funded the azov, giving $300 million in military aid for the gov't in kiev. according to the FBI, azov's neo-nazis are believed to have trained american white supremacists
while congress tried in 2015 to outlaw providing *any* US aid to the azov, the obama admin. scrapped that provision in the 2016 defense bill - by that point azov had already been brought into the nat'l guard & was later made eligible for "lethal assistance" by the trump admin.
a russian resolution condemning the glorification of nazism was passed by the UN gen. assembly this wednesday with overwhelming support, yet both the US and ukraine made a point of voting against the motion
the res called on states to pass legislation to "eliminate all forms of racial discrimination," condemned the "glorification, in any form, of the Nazi movement, neo-nazism and former members of the waffen SS organization," as well as "revisionism in respect to WW2"
the US insists that its opposition to the resolution has nothing to do with its support for ukrainian neo-nazi groups. as far back as a month before the vote, the US mission to the UN said the following:
instead of wasting our attention on the latest incarnation of new red scare propaganda and "Russiagate", this an actual US-ukraine backed threat we ought to be more than concerned about. everyone should be keeping their eyes on the US, ukraine, russia, and the azov
the only reason why these people hate russia but not the UK, for example, is because of the remaining anti-soviet propaganda from the cold war. both countries are neoliberal capitalist oligarchies with similar interests, yet russia is still seen as an existential enemy
anyways if you've made it this far, i'd greatly appreciate any help at all with this, whether its just a reply, retweet, or a small donation. thank you to all those who chose to help in advance!
anyone seeking to learn more about the history of the US and collaborating with fascists should check out the following works:

christopher simpson - blowback

russ bellant - old nazi's, the new right & the republican party

james whitman - hitler's american model
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