But the entire online culture of the left has become this vacuum of ppl just yelling at each other over the internet for minor infractions, it’s not just tumblr kids, everyone has lost touch w reality and the pandemic has just made it worse
I’ve spoken enough about the radfem influence on tumblr and how it has permeated online leftist discourse to a STAGGERING degree that we need to work on reversing right the fuck now

I just thought I’d touch on other aspects of how we got to this point lol
For the record I am absolutely including myself in this

I was fucking INSUFFERABLE when I first Got Woke through tumblr lmao I’m literally only now unlearning a lot of that shit and accepting common sense back into my life
But I was like, 20something

I wasn’t literally growing up in that
You fuckin babies coming in here saying ‘I got a tumblr at 12!’ I didn’t even have a computer at that age and when my family finally got a Gateway PC w a microwave-sized monitor set up in the living room I used it to go on Geocities fansites and AOL 🥴
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