For those of you in our nation who seem to think that our military need your assistance in fighting for our nation and taking down our domestic and/or foreign enemies I want to explain something you need to hear. When the time comes the President will be giving our military the
permission necessary to operate in America. He might have already done it. He would rather settle this issue peacefully but will probably be forced to use the military for at least a short time. HERE IS A WARNING YOU NEED TO HEED. The military operate with precision, and they
make a plan and carry it out quickly and efficiently. If you go out on the battlefield with good intentions to help them they will not have time in the middle of the battle to check and see if you are one of the patriots or not. Because they are focused on winning the battle
you may inadvertently be hurt or accidentally killed. Most important of all is that you could get in their way enough that they could be shot or killed trying to protect you as a bullet is speeding your way. That would make you guilty of costing them their lives. I don't think
that would be a memory any of you would want to have to carry for the rest of your life, especially if that soldier had a wife and children or was a grandfather. I hope you get the picture. I already know that the President and the military have plans for the insurgents and
traitors among us. The President has already told us that his first concern is for the protection of our citizens so he has made the plans so that you will not be needed on the battlefield. We should cooperate and do what we are told to do by DJT and the military commanders.
It is good that you want to fight to preserve our nation. It is romantic to think of yourself with a gun saving the day like in the movies but the enemies and bullets are real and aren't choosy about who they kill. It's good that military veterans are ready to fight again, but
only at the command of a general. Taking things in our own hands is a recipe for disaster. I encourage you to keep a weapon handy at home in case the need arises. Outside of that we need to stay home and listen to the broadcast system our patriots set up for us. Your bravery
and patriotism is commendable. Use common sense and we'll all be better off for it. I am a minister, and I would not want to be presiding over your funeral. I am also a veteran sharing your patriotism and desire to snuff out our enemies. I'll stay out of the way nonetheless.
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