My First 30 Days in Power:

◾️Johnson and Hancock suspended from public roles. Criminal negligence inquiry commenced.
◾️Vallance & Whitty suspended and investigated for Misconduct In Public Office. Ferguson models banned!
◾️GBD implemented. Lockdowns, restrictions, masks - ended.
◾️Sage members fired & banned from ever holding public roles again. Specifically ICL banned for five years minimum from modelling for Govt. Ferguson lifetime ban and investigation for negligence.
◾️Police: Any senior Met or provincial chiefs involved in discriminatory or politically biased policing: investigated/retrained/disciplined. All police to undergo cultural change to rid of ‘woke ideology’.
◾️Criminal investigations into Tory links with key outsource companies.
◾️Head of NHS fired. Criminal negligence investigation into senior NHS officers & civil servants for the withdrawal of services in favour of virus.
◾️CRT & Common Purpose banned from all Govt bodies. Public funding ended if indulging these practices or charitable status removed.
◾️Net Zero targets cancelled inc entire renewables strategy. All wind turbine projects cancelled. Immediate review of energy strategy to attain energy security from: nuclear, fracking, fossil fuels. Exit Paris & UN Accords
◾️HS2 cancelled
◾️Ban ‘Diversity Officer’ roles in all public bodies
◾️Ban all discriminatory recruitment in public or private sector eg BAME only.
◾️Launch National Apprenticeship Scheme across all industries - from trades, to professions. Shift from degree to at-work education & training.
◾️All online censorship banned (except incitement to violence, active incitement of racial hatred, doxxing, child bullying & abuse, aggressive intimidation). Access to controversial content would require active acceptance.
◾️Compensation for all small to medium businesses unfairly discriminated against by the Government by virus policy. The big tech companies with monopolistic or duopolistic control of their markets (Google Twitter Facebook Microsoft Amazon Apple Microsoft) to pay premium tax.
◾️Corporate policies that seek to implement previous net zero policy change banned and fined.
◾️Set strategy for ‘home owning democracy’ - increase supply while reducing demand. SDLT halved.
◾️Income tax top rate 40%
◾️Civil Service: announce plans to halve size over two years.
◾️Huge tax incentives for new private businesses & technological research
◾️Withdrawal from: WEF, WHO. Ban Royalty and public & private citizens from involvement.
◾️Set out plans for moving from constitutional monarchy to a republic.
◾️House of Lords to go. One year transition to elected second chamber announced.
◾️Quangos disbanded and new structures in place with political appointments.
◾️’Cancel culture’ made illegal. Heavy fines for social media, employers, universities who sack, deplatform, demonetise.
◾️Welsh Assembly, Office of London Mayor to be abolished within two years.
◾️Education Overhaul. Ban of marxist and ‘woke’ ideology. Curriculum geared towards ‘Appreciation of: pride in nation, liberty, free speech, business and profit motive, personal responsibility’.
◾️BBC - licence fee terminated. Trust dismantled. BBC retained as skeleton public service & eventual sale. Film and tv archive retained in public ownership for separate disposal.
◾️’Hate Speech’ legislation removed from statute books.
◾️Grooming Report released in full. Report recommendations completed and implemented.
◾️ Plan for Net Zero Immigration to be achieved within three years. All illegal immigrant boats from continent turned back from Day 1.
◾️New internet privacy laws protecting personal data.
◾️Plan for Written Constitution announced. To be in place within one year.
You wanna see what I’ve got planned over a whole term.
You can follow @zero_to_here_oh.
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