Worst film YouTubers in no particular order:
Cosmonaut Variety Hour
Chris Stuckman

They have no idea of the film making process and their complaints have 0 critical value. I've watched many videos from all of them and they clearly don't
consider what they're gonna say before saying it. You can go back and watch almost any one of their videos and find a contradiction or them stating something that is completely false. CinemaSins does this most frequently but the best example of it in my opinion comes from
Cosmonaut Variety Hour's review of Spider-Verse. In the review he says that he thinks that the licenced music in the film doesn't fit. This shows a lack of knowledge and research since the music in Spider-Verse isn't licensed but rather made specifically for the film.
You can dislike the music, that's fine but at least know what you're talking about first.

Speaking of Spider-Verse, CinemaSins literally says that the movie is unwatchable for most people because of the art style and animation choices.
He's easily the worst of the bunch.
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