So enraging, watching and listening to people who were born rich and have never experienced any sort of lack; who if they catch the Rona can ring up Trump and get that sweet, sweet Regeneron; pushing people who listen to them to take risks that don't impact THEM. THEY won't die.
And to think, their outrage likely has as much or more to do with the slight inconvenience of not being able to eat at the pricey restaurants they'd be haunting if not for the pandemic, and having to put off jetting to foreign shores to lay on the beach belly up for winter...SMDH
Add to that, the callousness of wealthy Senators, some of whom also were born on financial 3rd base, turning up their noses at regular people getting a mere $1200 bucks; not even one month's rent for a studio apartment in NY, and decent unemployment checks and state God.
Conservatism has always been the cruel man's ideology. But in this era? It feels like we've re-entered the Gilded Age.
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