going to list this but need to put a disclaimer so this is a thread for no reason: https://twitter.com/madamemilitant/status/1339959136746934274
the disclaimer: by listing these traits i am neither saying i picked my hub for the boxes he checks nor am i shaming him for the boxes he does not check. these are arbitrary things that i gravitate toward & they ultimately mean very little in terms of compatibility & attraction
that said, historically i do be noticing:
-spaghetti bois
-men w/ taller faces, which often goes w/ being spaghetti but not always, seeing as i know a spaghetti boi w/ a naturally rounder/flatter face
-musicians of any kind
-if u irish then u hot
-if u a lil soft spoken u hot
-honestly not picky abt hair color but most of the men i’ve liked have been brunette
-brown/hazel eyes
-if u pro life then u hot
-if u a christian then u hot
-if u a catholic then u extra hot
-if u funny then u hot
-if u passionate abt the things u love then u hot
-basically i do not like reducing men to various traits wherein compiling all my preferences will guarantee an attraction bc that just ain’t always true, & someone who is the opportunity of all my physical preferences could be hot too so like??

basically if u hot then u hot
post script:: how in the f * c k did “combination” get autocorrected to “opportunity”?????? make it make sense
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