"I understand people’s frustration over the timing, and there are prosecutors who break more china, so to speak,” Mr. Barr says. “But they don’t necessarily get the results.” Mr. Durham will, and is making “significant progress,” says Mr. Barr..." https://www.wsj.com/articles/william-barr-one-standard-of-justice-11608318832
LOL BS. What a joke.

"But even prior to naming Mr. Durham special counsel, Mr. Barr had come to the conclusion that he didn’t “see any sign of improper CIA activity” or “foreign government activity before July 2016,” he says. “The CIA stayed in its lane.”
This had better be talking about Fusion GPS at the very least:

"Mr. Barr says Mr. Durham’s probe is now tightly focused on “the conduct of Crossfire Hurricane..... as well as “the activities of certain private actors.” (Mr. Barr doesn’t elaborate.)"
AG Barr says most of the documents relating to Crossfire Hurricane have already been made public.
This interview is a trainwreck. AG Barr is frustrated that people want to know if anyone will go to prison for illegally spying on a Presidential campaign and trying to overthrow the President. Really? That's what's frustrating? Good grief.
"It’s painful that the system is used against Republicans and there is an AG not willing to do the same thing against Democrats. But that is the only way we find our way back,”

Yeah, that's' how we find our way back to Democrats using the system to go after Republicans again.
AG Barr is glad he didn't reveal the DOJ investigation of the Biden Crime Family before the election, while social media censored every mention of it and the corrupt media declared it to be a foreign disinformation campaign. Again, what a joke this interview is.
That interview was a disaster. Let's hope John Durham is more determined than AG Barr was to hold people accountable for what they did to the President or else there really is One Standard of Justice: Democrats do whatever they want with no consequences. /end
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