Before the Corrupt MSM and Oligarchs try and create my background: I wrote this on 3/30/2020 as I was nominated for a position:
Father of 4, Married, Roman Catholic, First Generation Born American, and Last of 10 kids.
My parents were the largest family ever released (under communism you are prisoner) from a Communist Country – Poland. Fortunately they came to America and simply wanted a chance to live their life freely. They never went on public aid, as my dad was a cement finisher and my
mom cleaned buildings downtown. They stressed God, Family, Hard Work, and Education. I saw how hard they worked, and it drove me to learn everything I could about business from a young age. Aside from my Parents, my other childhood heroes were Peter Drucker, Jack Welch,
Jim Collins, Lee Iacocca, Ronald Reagan (my sons middle name is Reagan), and countless others that made a lasting impact on society.

I raced to finish college in less than 3 years, had my Series 7 by 18, CFA by 23, and MBA by 28, co-founded an investment firm,
and took a year off to travel around the US and some nations around the world. I have no desire to accumulate physical wealth for myself anymore, and everything I earn goes to my family as I have NOTHING in my name, nor do I have a desire to. My focus shifted to help others
learn how to CREATE and bring out the best in themselves. That’s the currency that I seek to earn. Helping others thrive and CRUSH IT is far more rewarding than money has ever been to me. I operate best as an unencumbered Free Mind that optimizes based on
FACTS and DATA and not Emotions. Here are some facts about our Current Situation in the Republican County Central Committee: a. Funding has collapsed by over 90% (this is an estimate) over the past 7 years.

b. Over 55% of the PC seats were not elected –
over 120 Seats didn’t have candidates to fill them in our last primary.

c. Voting in the latest primary collapsed by 80% overall, and 60% for those PC’s that were running versus the last cycle.

d. Almost 1/3 of the current PC’s are new. There has been an exodus of talent
that has fled the party because people in the Party have lost faith in the current direction. It’s never easy being a so called “outsider” or “change agent”. I get it. I understand why. I’ve never lived my life pursuing popularity. What I do like to pursue however, are
challenges and complex puzzles that need solving. That’s what I enjoy most.

I recently consulted a firm in retail that was doing over a million in revenue that put in place a manager that was "seasoned" and a "veteran" of the industry that convinced the owners he was up to the
task. Over a period of 6 months, culminating in an over 25 percent decline in sales in their last month as manager, revenue per sale and number of clients the business served collapsed. Within 6 weeks, I was able to re-engineer the layout, pricing strategy, product placement and
customer experience to drive sales up over 40 percent off of their lows and restoring not just client count but average spend. I was able to get sales back to where they were a year earlier after the business almost collapsed.

How did I do this? By asking the most
fundamental questions about the business: Why does it deserve to exist? What are the key value propositions it has to offer? What makes the company unique? How do we focus on strengths, and minimize or eliminate weaknesses in process and people that are draining the life out
of the organization. I’m never the popular guy when I am in this role, but I happen to be wired to handle these stresses better than most.
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