(1) Many of you know that @JamesEFoster account was suspended by twitter this week, thankfully, now reinstated it. I have only been active on Twitter a couple of months & didn't know of James.

Have to say, I consider anti-Semitism a very serious issues, when it exists!
(2) having seen the left smeared mercilessly for the last 5 years. I couldn’t help but think that the vague claims of anti-semetism where more political, than a real concern for the welfare of Jews, a concern I care about deeply.

But I also care about due process & evidence.
(3) The first point I want to make is about proportionality, over which Corbyn was suspended.

The EHRC report did find some cases, which is serious in itself, but the response has not been proportionate to the findings & Corbyn was within his rights to say so.
(4) while I would normally see no issue with unqualified apologies to an offended party there are 2 issues in this case.

1 if we don’t push back on this now, any fair attack on Israel, even one with the greatest sympathy to Jewish individuals, can be dismissed as anti-Semitic.
(5) 2, we know these are bad faith attack on the left, who have been under relentless, attacks because the rich and the powerful know we are the only defense against, a political system that works for a privileged few, not the many.
(6) A system that is happy with, homelessness, rising mental health crisis leading to more suicides & dependents on anti depressants, a system that requires UNICEF to feed children in a 1st world country.

Why when we have evidence of racism from the PM, is that not addressed?
(7) That may seem like whataboutism.

whatism an attempt to distract from a legitimate line of enquiry into wrongdoing. Often using something unrelated or disproportionate.

A teacher caught stealing £1k, would not be able to say to their head, what about that student who swore.
(8) A teacher & student are not in comparable positions of responsibility; the perceived wrongs are not connected in a way that could be quantifiable & if they where it would not be easy to make a case that swearing is worse than stealing.
(9) Labour & conservative are comparable bodies with the same responsibility to root out racism.

While Tories seem more inclined towards Islamophobia & jingoism, these are compatible.

All we need now is to establish a proportionality between the Tories & Labour.
(10) All we need now is to establish proportionality between both, to establish if the response to the left was reasonable, or if it’s a bad faith, by people who don’t care about anti-semitism.

Which is why you're not aloud to talk about proportionality & accusations are vague.
(11) Bringing me back to James, I 1st came across this when I came read the bellow tweet on monday. As I said I didn’t know James but trusted the opinion of @TweetForTheMany who had recently helped me call out an account set up entirely to appear left wing & spread Islamophobia.
(12) Tweet for the many was sure that James was not anti-semetic but I wanted to see for myself. If I had found him to be anti-Semitic I would have called him out, but not only did the claims seem unfounded, I found one that was easily disputed.
(13) This was big news to me. Trying to dispute Anti-Semitism, when the accusers are powerful enough to not require evidence is impossible. Important note, the powerful refers to mainstream right-wing politics who are at the heart of this, not Jews.
(14) Its critical, that we start effectively challenging smears, for any chance of creating a fairer world & a more honest political class. We have taken the moral high ground, which is good in principle, but last 5 years shows you cant challenge corruption with principles alone.
(15) The campaign against James was conducted by Adam Langleben, whose page is full of people, claiming they where blocked by James because they are Jewish. I had a Look at about 10 of these accounts to see if there was anything else that might connect these people.
(16) What I found was that every account was dedicated to smearing Corbyn, in some cases its not even clear they are Jewish, they all say they are to Adam but I don’t think James could know that. So could not have been blocking them for that reason.
(17) I have not included details of Jews as they may have real concern even, if they are not based in a fair understanding of why James decided to block them.

As with most on the left, there is no denial that Anti-Semitism exists, only the scale & who on the left are guilty.
(18) I have no issue sharing the bellow though, this woman is not Jewish. She hates Corbyn so much. She is so desperate to join the purge of the left that, she proves James was not targeting Jews, only militant anti-Corbyn accounts.
(19) the mental gymnastics she has done to accuse James of attempted anti-Semitism against a non Jew, is her name.

Freeman originates in England, so while its not uncommon for a Jew to be called Freeman, it is more common for a Freeman to not be Jewish, as is the case here.
(20) To address her points against Corbyn, while I had my issues towards the end with the messaging, I never for once doubted his integrity or sincerity & I strongly believe unfair smears like this were the reason the project failed, her analysis is based in her bias.
(21) Further questions about her character can be raised in relation to her comments about a certain Mr Fox, if you want to take the moral high ground, with regards to your position on racism & anti-Semitism, this seems to be the sort of person you want to stay clear of.
(22) More damaging though to her attempts to care about Jews, is her response to Jews on the left. So while James merely blocked people some of whom happened to be Jewish, this person has gone after Jews, targeting them for speaking about being Jewish.
(23) Please find attached, the incredible video Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi with Double down news, this is the sort of voice that the right does not want to talk about & their treatment of her, shows how deep their compassion for Jews really runs.
(24) She has also attacked, the 3 Jews who went on @OwenJones84 show, claiming them to be anti-semetic.
whatever you might think about Owen, this was a fantastic episode, mostly due to the guests he had. @levvity, @tania_shew, @Aviah_Sarah_Day

(25) Jewish people should be encouraged to talk openly about anti-Semitism, not attacked, when it doesn’t fit your narrative. They did not deny anti-Semitism on the left but did talk about it constructively and proportionally. Not claiming it’s an issue exclusively on the left.
(26) The left has been hit hard lately, we must not deny Anti-Semitism. We must demand that accusations are brought into the open, so that we can determine if they have been made in good faith, so that action should be taken, or in bad faith in which case they must be challenged.
(27) half way through this I realised, doing this on Twitter was a nightmare, naively thought I could cover this in 10 or 11 tweets. 4 hours & 30 tweets later, I have barely scratched the surface!
(28) Hopefully, this is will start a convo & we can find a way to fight bad faith, with honesty but also with strategy. I have no doubt that this is going to paint a target on my back, I accept that but ask that nobody who agrees with what I have said, targets anyone I mentioned.
(29) Hopefully I have been fair & reasonable

I have tried my best to not give anyone Jewish the sense that I am not a friend, but I am open to learning how I can be a better friend to Jewish people. In ways that don’t contradict my desire to also be a friend to Palestinians.
(30) 1 thing I didnt explained well, is the difference between, unreasonable whataboutism & reasonable whataboutism, can’t find a record of this call she speaks of, so cant judge if this is a reasonable, but if you can then you decide. is a record of every Corbyn smear somewhere!
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