The #Antifa/ #SJW/ #Woke crowd actually tick quite a lot of the boxes for #Fascism.

When you try to talk to them they respond with threats of violence and insults. Everything is like a war to them. Disagreement with them is treason, not a starting point for a discussion.
Wikipedia summarizes Umberto Eco's famous 1995 definition of Fascism with these 14 points. Surprisingly you can tick off quite a few of these for the modern Woke.
Let's start with the obvious ones:

- Cult of action ("Punch a Nazi")
- Disagreement is treason/Pacifism is bad ("Silence is violence")
- Obsession with plot ("Trump is a Russian agent")
- Enemies both strong and weak
- Selective populism (Populism/Democracy dichotomy)
But I also seem some appeal to machismo and contempt for the weak coming from them:
They also have fear of difference - rednecks/deplorables/gammons. And lots of Newspeak.

This only leaves 3 out of the 14 points (1. "The Cult of Tradition", 2. "The Rejection of modernism" and 11. "Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero") that aren't clearly there.
Is Antifa 80% Fascist by one of the most widely accepted definitions of fascism?

I think this comes from a fairly generic mental toolkit that's used to motivate ordinary people to become paranoid and violent; the far left and the far right both use it.
@Gossenphilosoph points out that the Woke crowd probably also fit point 2 since they do in fact reject enlightenment values like tolerance and freedom of speech, and embrace postmodernism which *is* a rejection of science, rationality and enlightenment.
And they spend a lot of time at the bottom of the hierarchy of disagreement:
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