Well, it’s been quite a year and Nova Scotia has experienced more than its fair share of sadness, loss, and grief. So, we challenged our team to look back over our work in 2020 and find a few bright spots. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
The Develop Nova Scotia team is a passionate bunch of people who care deeply about building back a better Nova Scotia—and about each other. Here are some of our team’s favourite memories and highlights of 2020. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Gordon’s highlight is pulling off @evergreenfestns despite of the challenges of COVID-19. “With creativity and hard work, we staged a scaled-down version that still brought joy to our community and a way to enjoy the season in a safe and community-minded way” #yearinreview
Matt’s top pick was “spending time in Cape Breton this year, connecting with communities doing really amazing work, listening to their ideas and challenges and chatting about what's possible.” In particular, Matt has a soft spot for our partnership/work in Baddeck. #yearinreview
Nick’s stand-out moment was how quickly our entire team transitioned to working from home while managing a heavy workload at the same time. #yearinreview #developnovascotia #fromhome
Kyle feels great pride in our work to keep the waterfront open and inviting as a place to get outside safely during lockdown. With city parks were closed, it highlighted how important the waterfront is as a public amenity in downtown Halifax. #yearinreview #mywaterfront
Lauren’s highlight was being a part of our Environmental Lens Committee that’s focused on finding ways to ensure our projects are safe and just for people— and for the planet. She’s excited to put the team’s ideas into action in 2021. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Anna is proud that our fundraising efforts in support of @UWHalifax raised the most money than ever before in 2020—$6,057 to be exact! #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Todd’s trip to Georges Island with Nik (who is affectionately known as “boat Nik”) to capture the flag. “While the War of 1812 was long over, seems there was still work to do.” #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Monique’s high point was announcing projects that will see at least 97.5% of Nova Scotia’s homes and businesses get access to high-speed Internet over the coming years. She’s thrilled that the hard work of many on this initiative will help shape the future of NS. #yearinreview
Patrick’s highlight is not specific to 2020 but he admires his colleague’s tenacity and unwavering commitment. No matter the scale of the project, everyone is always ready to dig in and “eat the elephant”. For the record, no elephants were harmed. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Paymaneh gets the feels when she thinks of our first virtual team meeting in the spring. “Watching the whole team joking and trying to comfort each other was the best moment for me.” #yearinreview #developnovascotia #bestteams
Terry’s highlight (and heart) lies in Lunenburg. Seeing the progress on the Big Boat Shed and the Zwicker Building brings many years of work and planning together Terry, our colleagues, and our community partners. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
For Deb, bringing Open City under the Develop Nova Scotia wing was a special thing—especially during a time when local business and community spirit needed a boost”
#yearinreview #developnovascotia #reopencityhfx
John has fond memories of his first walk on the waterfront when the @evergreenfestns lights came on—complete with holiday tunes playing in the Salt Yard! #yearinreview #developnovascotia #mywaterfront
Robin’s highlight was enjoying musical entertainment on Zwicker dock on warm Sunday afternoons—he (and everyone else) was wowed by the bagpiper in particular. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Bruce enjoyed watching all the construction activity along the boardwalk this summer during my retirement. And he got more than he bargained for—now he’s working with us to help manage the work! #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Janine’s highlight was getting to know the people of Peggy’s Cove and seeing their special place by the water through the eyes of those that know and love her best. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
Kelly gets the feels for the successful opening of Georges Island. After many years of work with our partners, this new tourism icon is exciting new ground for locals and visitors to explore. #yearinreview #developnovascotia
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