So here goes nothing. I have worked with CHLA for over ten years. I have seen many celebrities come and go many for a PR photo and leave. There has been one celebrity who has always done the most for our children and that is Johnny Depp. He has always been a gentleman.
I am on social media and if I where to write about anyone that has visited the hospital I would be fired from my job I do not work in the medical field. I work within an important department in the hospital. Forgive me for doing this anonymously.
I am not here to be believed or to debate with anyone I have met Amber Heard once and she is not a nice human being and I for one can confirm that Amber did not donate money to the hospital there was several excuses made between assistants and accountants.
I am sure this will come out. If you seen the many smiles and hearts that Johnny Depp has helped heal you would stick up for him too. I am so sorry for doing it this way. I am heartbroken but I am a single parent I can not lose my job.
Anyway #JusticeForJohnnyDepp I hope someone sees this thread and will see the truth.
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