1. For ten months we've turned our lives upside down because of the mortality of the coronnavirus and now, when effective vaccines are available, the scumbag bureaucrats at the CDC decide that saving lives is *no longer the priority*?

Go to Hell. All of you.
2. Our professional-managerial class -especially in tertiary education - is overrun with a self-perpetuating class of insane monsters who constantly look for the most socially destructive ways to act out their vanity.
3. As Matthew Yglesias points out, delaying vaccination for the elderly fails even by equity calculations as done normal people.

Vaccinating elderly black people will save more black lives than vaccinating black people in their 20s and 30s.
4. But in a choice between saving actual black lives and making a self-aggrandizing gesture that will kill lots of (other) white people, our white, PMC leftists will opt for the deaths of both black and white old people.

Like I said, these PMC leftists are monsters.
5. One goal of any reformed conservative politics is burning down the sinecures of the Harald Schmidts of the world. Leave their offices empty as a warning to others.
6. The CDC staffers responsible for these loathsome graphics should be dismissed and so should the supervisors who signed off.

They are playing games with other people's lives and they won't stop until they are afraid. Time for administrative changes to make them afraid.
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