Tony saved wrestling in America.
He’s responsible for NXT being on USA every week.
He’s responsible for WWE trying to make better storylines.
He’s provided food on the table for wrestlers who had been let go by WWE + creating stars from the indies.
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He has throughout the past two years provided entertaining content for many fans, making MANY dream matches come true.
He has taken talent that WWE didn’t push and pushed them.
He’s created a happy atmosphere for his workers, and you can tell they’re happy by most interviews.
Interviews where AEW talent praises them for being so good.
Tony is opening bridges to multiple wrestling organizations instead of burning them like what WWE did.
He is making wrestling FUN.
He is making dreams come true.
He is making wrestling a cool place to be.
So for all those WWE marks who disses AEW without giving them a chance, I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU.
Because you’re missing out on one of the best content that’s happening right now, and there’s no going back.
This is the wrestling that fans wanted and I cannot stop praising it.
You can follow @JobberNationYT.
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