I don’t know which white professors need to hear this, but DEI efforts should focus on race and ethnicity. Affirmative action has overwhelmingly helped white women achieve positions of power in academia as well as transcend their class boundaries. like
Attempting to say that gender should be a focus over race and ethnicity shows a profound misunderstanding and ignorance of the history of gender and race in the West, especially in the US.
‘You’re too pretty to be in STEM’ and other comments made to white women are vastly different than the constant dehumanization that URM women are forced to put up with. No one calls police on white women sleeping in the university library.
If your fave WW isn’t achieving as much in your department/field as you would like as a steminist, that’s literally a failure of WM to grow up or you to advocate for WW. And whatever WW face in STEM, it’s harder on WOC, especially Black women.
Sorry not sorry but I couldn’t care less about white lady focused STEM events that largely serve as photo ops for universities to show how faux woke they are. When we get URM focused diversity initiatives that care as much about WOC as much as WW, then I’ll care
these subtweets brought to you by the same prof who assumed a Black femme in one of their courses did an ethics violation before even asking them what happened, rather than doing the human thing of presuming innocence and investigating without judgement.
But whatever! Remember that ~I’m~ the problem in EEB bc I don’t put up with white feminism or poorly given ML talks by said white feminists 🤧
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