this tumblr gifset made me think how awesome it would have been to have a crossover that's just Kira and Ivanova meeting up for coffee and talking about their time on their respective space stations
Kira: Is your captain/commander some kind of messiah who vanished from this mortal plane because of weird alien shit?
Ivanova: Yes! Twice!
It's supposed to just be a mid-day coffee date but by the end they're deep into the Romulan wine, and Mr. Garibaldi and Odo are both standing there hesitating to intervene, with expressions saying "I don't get paid enough to deal with this"
Kira: We had to deal with a secret totalitarian coup in our government, and an evil agency with extensive powers plotting genocide.
Ivanova: Same. Want to see my scars?
Ivanova: There was this religious guy in love with me, who died for the cause...
Kira: YEP! take a drink.
Kira: Oh and one of our crewmates was revealed to have illegal mental abilities that they'd been hiding since they were a child...
Ivanova: for us, THAT WAS ME
Kira: We fought a war against an alien empire, using a one-of-a-kind warship... that got blown up in an important battle.
Ivanova: Yeah, I nearly died on ours.
Ivanova: And we had a supposedly untrustworthy Lizard-alien who was a member of the main crew, and in the end returned to a devastated home planet, having proven themselves to be one of our greatest allies.
Kira: *drinks*
Kira: At least your young Doctor wasn't hiding something and involved in a deeply homoerotic bromance with one of the other crewmembers...
Ivanova: *snorts into her coffee*
Kira: Did one of your crew leave or get killed in the penultimate year?
Ivanova: Yes... One of them was me, Marcus was the other.
Ivanova: Hopefully you didn't have to deal with someone making deals with dark powers for their own advancement, causing disaster for the galaxy.
Kira: How about TWICE? Both times, the same guy was involved.
fun fact about B5/DS9:
They both have a character named "Duk(h)at" who did important things in the history of the show.
Trek, it's Gul Dukat. B5, it's the leader of the Grey Council who dies during the first encounter with the humans.
Both cause wars, but for different reasons.
Ivanova: Did your captain ever have the hutzpah to face down a godlike alien and it was the God that blinked?
Kira: He talked one set of Gods into vanishing a whole invasion fleet, and when another God showed up, he PUNCHED THEM IN THE FACE!
Ivanova: whoa.
Ivanova: Did you have a re-occurring evil character who kept showing up, and each time you really wanted to throw him out the airlock, but couldn't?
Kira: More than one! Dukat, Weyoun, Brunt...
Ivanova: Us too. Bester, Mr. Morden...
Kira: Nearby alien race who are past their prime but their nostalgia for Empire & Power causes a war that devastates the galaxy?
Ivanova: You bet! *drinks*
Ivanova: Stop me if you've heard this one: Aliens who had their home-planet occupied, but fought off their oppressors, and are now on the slow road to recovery, with many setbacks along the way?
Kira: Nope.
Ivanova: Really?
Ivanova: Did you have a crew member turn out to be working for an enemy, betraying everyone?
Kira: Yep. The Captain wasn't happy about that... he used bio-weapons against a whole planet in response.
Ivanova: Whoa. Ours just helped cover up the assassination of the Earth president.
Ivanova: OK, how about this: A jokey assistant character who turns out to be more competent than anyone expected, going on to be the emperor of their whole species later in life?
Kira: They call him the "Grand Nagus", but yes.
Ivanova: OK, this one is really far out there, but did anyone on your station turn out to have been a murderer in the past and then had their memories erased, and are now a good person?
Kira: Yes... Our science officer.
Ivanova: Really?
Kira: Yeah. She's a member of a species which is joined with an alien parasite that can carry memories between hosts.
Ivanova: Oh, we ran into those too. The Vindrizi.
Kira: Ahh, Ours are the Trill.
Ivanova: We had a visiting woman once who had great psychic powers *shows picture*
Kira: Wait, she looks familiar. We also had a visitor with amazing powers...
Kira: We had a human who was engaged in a conspiracy regarding a coup on earth...
Ivanova: Same, yeah.
Ivanova: At least you didn't have a shadowy organization secretly designing an infectious disease to commit genocide against another group.
Kira: We sure did!
Kira: Your commanding officer wasn't still dealing with their history, involving an important battle from the last war?
Ivanova: Yes. Both of my commanders.
Kira: Let me guess: still mourning their dead wife?
Ivanova: Yep, one of them was. She came back though. Kinda.
Kira: Yeah, same. Kinda...
Ivanova: They got involved with someone they met on the station, though. Got married, too, though it didn't last, as he had to leave the mortal plane. I don't mean "he died", he got taken into some afterlife by a God Alien.
Kira: would you believe EXACTLY THE SAME?
Ivanova: We don't get paid enough for this.
Kira: I'll drink to that.
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