A huge issue with many eating disorders services:

Therapist: Okay so you’re underweight so we will put you on a plan that our book says will mean you follow this graph perfectly.

Me: And if I don’t?

T: well that means you weren’t following the plan.
M: But what if I was?

T: You can’t have been.

M: ...okay? But what if I’m still hungry on the plan?

T: that means your brain isn’t functioning properly, our plan is perfect and if you eat any more than this we class it as a binge.
M: so if I’m hungry I have to stop myself eating if it isn’t on plan?

T: Exactly that!

M: But that’s sort of what got me here in the first place isn’t it?

T: This is different as you are following our book!

M: Right... so what happens when I do gain weight?
T: So regardless of your thoughts or behaviours when you hit your target if you’re still gaining we will make you restrict again, as god forbid you overshoot slightly!

M: But isn’t that normal in recovery?

T: Not according to our book!
M: I’m worried that’ll start a downward spiral again though?

T: That’s where your willpower comes in!
M: Okay I get it now, you’ll put me on a plan that is in your book despite my body being unique, tell me off if that means I don’t gain enough but restrict me if it’s too quick. Then if I hit a number you’ve made up based on BMI that’s a load of rubbish, you’ll restrict me again?
T: Yes you’ve got it!

And you ever wonder why this isn’t very successful?
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