Erin (my not on Twitter kick ass wife) has been helping with the front line employee Covid vaccine rollout. She told me that people were crying as they sat at her station, overcome with emotion: the months of personal sacrifice, all of the missed hugs, kisses, meals, and drinks,
all of the patient stories-the wins and the losses, all of the anxiety, the loneliness, all of the impact of this pandemic combining with, finally, hope. Finally, the first steps; the spark that ignite a blaze that will shine our way out of this lost year. /2
All of it, crashing down in one moment of a tiny poke in the arm. It’s an injection of hope. It’s our way out. There is light at the end of the tunnel now, but still a lot of tunnel to go. The only way out is through. Stay vigilant for a while longer. /3
Do it for your family, your friends, for people you don’t even know, for your local businesses. It will be worth it. Wear a mask. Get a shot when it’s your turn. 4/4
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