End of the year shout out to an amazing team and my top 3 things learned
Big thanks to Ross and all @ThirdSectorLab - a JFDI Jedi 🚀and a boundless supply of #Digishift banter, plus a network of contacts like no other 🕸
Big thanks to @StarkMadelaine for simply amazing 🤩 energy, positivity and reflective insights 💡
Big thanks to @SiobhanVohn for her frankly unique ability to see big picture 🌍 and crucial details 🔍 at the same time
Big thanks to @resscvo for all the care 🤗, guidance 🧭 and motivation 👏she gives to orgs right across the sector on the cyber front
Big thanks to @sallyld @Betty_Murphy and all at @digiscot for their amazing support 🤲, direction📍and patience with many questions on every digital channel going
I’m frankly astonished at how far the voluntary sector has moved in recent months. Looking forward to seeing short term leaps turn into long term bounds in 2021...
My top 3 lessons 🧐
1. Delivering digitally for nearly everyone in the short term is v easy - within reach of just about every org. Doing digital well for everyone in the long term is harder, but it’s a must do ✅
2. We’re in a new era of user-centred agile approaches to delivery - @StarkMadelaine has spotted this one coming for a while, and it’s really cool to see it in practice 😎
3. The two golden rules: do the basics really well, and learn quickly - still apply 💯 in a crisis, and they’ll be even more applicable in 2021
You can follow @johnfitzg.
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