When creating something, most people treat the research process the same way. After you lock down a topic, you’ll then spend some time searching for information about it.

Here’s why this style of knowledge gathering is increasingly becoming less effective.👇 (1/8) [a thread]
The Hunting Party Model:

This kind of information capture is similar to a hunting party. Whenever you need some knowledge, you’ll immediately go hunt for it at that time.

There are three problems with this model. (2/8)
1. Fast-Paced Projects

In the modern era, speed of iteration beats quality of iteration. Basically, you’re much more valuable if you can complete a project quickly.

If you only start your research after the project begins, you’re too slow to be useful. (3/8)
2. Low-Level Information

Google search is not a great way to discover high-quality information.

The websites that rank high on Google are crafted to be the lowest common denominator of every topic. You won’t find anything valuable by searching open-ended questions. (4/8)
3. True Insights Aren’t Searchable

If you're trying to find something truly revolutionary, you can't search for it.

The nature of insight is that it is unexpected. To search for something, you have to already be aware of its existence. It will never surprise you. (5/8)
In the past, information was scarce. You needed to go out of your way to find it, which benefited from the hunting model.

Nowadays information is everywhere. Think about how much content you consume every day, but cast aside by doing nothing with it. (6/8)
The Fishing Net Model:

In other words, you don't need to hunt for new insights. You just need to capture them as they flow by.

This is similar to how a fishing net works; it captures the fish as they swim through. (7/8)
This is why you should regularly take notes over the content you consume.

If you enjoyed this thread, here’s an article where I break down this topic in further detail:

Why Note-Taking is Necessary for Creativity: http://www.manazir.org/articles/note-taking-creativity (8/8)
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