Okay, think about THIS theory (and I say it from *my* experience)

Where Pluto falls, you struggle, feel need to change and transform with it (if your Pluto is angular, keep reading this closely)
The sign where it falls talks about how do you manifest it

The house talks about where it does affect you specially

And the degree* where it falls can talk abt what do you use to channel this energy

*if is retrograde, look at the next degree (if you got a Rx in 23°, check 24°)
For example, my Pluto falls in Sagittarius (thoughts abt politics/philosophy, need to find the truth, mutable energy) at 1H (identity)

I always struggle changing and transforming my identity constantly, particularly about with how do I see the world from my view
But sometimes it gets harder because the politics cause me anxiety and frustrations, so I stay away and instead of it I try to channel those turbulents thoughts (15°) and emotions at house (16°, bc of Rx at 15°)

I channel it much better when I change radically my bedroom (16°)
What do you think about this? @empressatlantis @iJaadee @supermoongirl9
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