One Retweet = One Tip for Making $$$ on Twitter
The sweet spot for tweeting is 3 hours a tweet

Anything more frequent kills engagement

Anything less frequent and your not on the consumers mind enough
Going Viral is dog shit unless it’s related to something you can sell

Funny cats won’t help you sell a fitness product
Threads and


Are the most reliable way to get engagement
Themed pages based on certain tweets are a rapidly growing niche on Twitter

Think about a good one, go do it

Example: @WomenPostingLs
The best funnel isn’t a lead magnet straight into offer

The best funnel is lead magnet, value + intimacy emails, and then one lead mag, and then an offer based on who consumed that lead mag

Most are too lazy to set this up
Carrd is the new wave - but only for bios

In terms of warm traffic you will only ever need a short gumroad sales description
Paid Twitter guides are a scam

Get @oliviercantin FREE course and then learn by taking action

This thread will also help you :)
The #LAMBROS own this side of Twitter

You’re with us or against us

Effort and truth are always rewarded

People will soon realise who’s full of shit
People interested in any form of self help are, by definition, insecure with themselves

This makes it a very good market to sell, but also a place where if you don’t genuinely help you’ll get MAULED
Treat people like numbers and you’ll never last long

Treat people like people and you’ll last forever
You can follow @KATATHEGREAT.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

Latest Threads Unrolled:

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