Abortion did not start out the religious litmus test it became, creating a roadmap for how to divide citizens politically.

The politicization of religion with abortion as its weapon finds the US and Russia in an unholy alliance as bedfellows. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/09/25/russia-us-team-up-against-abortion-at-un-a67434
Politics, not religion, is the best indicator of how someone votes on abortion yet it’s framed through religion, turning religion into a political weapon. Makes issues about eternity and citizens will sacrifice this world believing it’s a holy war. https://is.gd/LJZjvN 
Mueller uncovered not only Russia’s involvement in 2016, but their ongoing covert aggressions toward the US. It doesn’t only happen when it hits the headlines.

Staying engaged means paying attention to patterns to give today’s new context. Talk about it.
This holiday & all of 2021, please learn about disinformation, pay attention to its sources, and call out bs when seen in the media, or when your 🙄uncle’s😳 spewing it.

Polite listening is complicit to its spread. It’s patriotic to not tolerate it. https://is.gd/6wWWgP 
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