Head coach Thierry Henry's post-mortem #IMFC
Henry: "If we go back on 2020, are we satisfied with the season? No, but we can keep our heads high. We had a team that could go out and fight. I hope that things will be better on the covid side of things obviously but also limit the starts and stops." #IMFC
Henry on personality: "That can be learned, some ppl have it but some ppl can gain it. Sam Piette learned a lot this year. He speaks a lot more in training. Victor brought that a lot too. And it's not a player's age that determines this." #IMFC
Henry on his situation in MTL: "It's not great for anyone. Players, staff, you (media). But when you see Sejdic who barely started, Piette's progression, Binks in his 1st year, ZBG in his 1st starter year, I learned a lot with them in 2020. Also wanted to thank #IMFC employees.
Henry specifically thanked the trainers who "tried to predict the impossible when there's no dates" with the starts and stops of the COVID era reality.

"If one thing is for sure is that we'll be ready next year." #IMFC
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