I've seen too much toxic shit from SNCOs on twitter and at my own post about Ft Hood and the report that I have a few things to say...based on the report any my own experiences...and my comments are mostly for SNCOs...some are the good ones...some are shit ones...some are meh...
but to varying degrees, we are holders of what should be a sacred trust, we are the representatives, the advocates of the enlisted men and women under our care, we are responsible for them, each one regardless of gender, or ethnicity or sexual preference, they deserve the best
we can give, they deserve to be respected, to feel safe, to be free of harassment, fear, torment at the hands of fellows and superiors, including us and we are failing them miserably as a whole. If you are defensive about what's in the Fort Hood report, be honest and ask
yourself why...nobody is calling you a predator...but too many of us know or have known something and have looked away, maybe not wanting to get involved, wanting to protect your "Career" or some cases not giving a fuck. The soldiers in your care are your career, what fucking
career do you have if they don't trust you, If they don't know you only want what's best for them...equally and without malice, if you just want to protect your own ass instead of stepping up for your people may I suggest you step down and step out and no I'm just not talking to
my male peers....I've seen enough shit from the female ones on this subject as well...you I'm disappointed in most of all.
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