Three new core participants at the inquiry, whilst two others who applied for status are denied. This may seem an uneven judgement, but the 3 new CPs are all ex- #spycops, whilst the 2 denied are activists who were spied on
Of the two activists who have been denied core participant status, one is Michael Chant who was undoubtably targeted by at least two known #spycops whilst involved in Marxist-Leninist communism
Michael Chant was particularly targeted by the #spycops officer using the alias "Malcolm Shearing" know as HN19, you can read up on him here
It's no surprise that Sir John Mitting has chosen who are "too late" to apply for status and who are approved without question. There is a bias in favour of the #spycops own narrative inbuilt within this process.
The approval of @CllrAndyColes' as core participant is inevitable, even this late in proceedings, given his role as a #spycops officer and author of the tradecraft manual. The question is why did he wait so many years to apply for CP status? Wishing it would all go away?
The refusal of @mhchant as a core participant is equally inevitable. Despite unquestionably being targeted, and unaware of the scope of the inquiry until they contacted him as a witness. He joins the likes of Janet Alder & @GreenJennyJones, definitely targeted but denied status
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