Can I gush about ND Twitter for a minute? Because it's just such an amazing place.

ND Twitter has been such an incredibly positive influence on my life. ND Twitter has taught me so much about my brain, but also so much about myself and my standards.
In the back of my mind I've always wondered if I was autistic. Heck, I asked (and was dismissed by) a psychologist about it nearly 13 years ago now.

Until I started this account, I just accepted that dismissal at face value, especially as I'm not like the stereotypes
Since starting this account though, I have listened to so many wonderful people openly talking about their experiences, their struggles, and their supports.

I quickly started to realize that my experiences do map onto autistic experience and that I'm not alone in my struggles.
Since starting this account, I've learned that there are words for aspects of autism I struggle with.

And I have learned strategies I'd been avoiding (like ear defenders) are actually life changing accommodations for me. I've slowly started to unmask a bit, and it helps so much
None of this would have been possible if ND Twitter weren't filled with so many amazing people being vulnerable, sharing their experiences and strategies, and reading other's in such good faith.
Before this account, my experience of social media was arguments and activist squabbles.

Even neutral or positive conversations generally had people correcting my spelling, grammar, or knowledge of social rules.
I had just accepted that people around me, even friends, would casually criticize me for things that I have limited control over.

I'd just accepted that I should expect these people to read everything in the most malicious, bad faith way possible. And ND Twitter changed that.
ND Twitter has shown me that it is not only possible for people to read others in good faith, but it's possible for an entire community to do so.

In the last two months, I've been asking myself repeatedly, if ND Twitter can do this, why can't my friends, colleagues, and peers?
I have yet to find a compelling answer. I'm sure that some of the difference is related to the fact that I have a fairly large account here.

But, I'm also coming to the realization that 'reading others in good faith' isn't actually a high standard to hold people to.
This too, wouldn't have occurred to me if not for ND Twitter, and the vulnerability, respect, and enthusiasm y'all show.

While I'm still making changes and I don't know how things are going to turn out, it's clear that ND Twitter has been such a powerful, positive influence.
So, I'm gushing. I'm gushing about all y'all. I'm so glad to be here, and I'm so grateful for all the lessons I've learned.

I can't wait to learn more, hear more, experience more with you amazing bunch of human beings. Thank you ❤️❤️
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