“You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?” A THREAD

/i’m making this thread as I rewatch the show so i don’t know when it will end/
they have this huge fight and not even 24hs later they’re both already thinking of calling each other
when dean has only a few days left and sam just WON’T accept that and takes him to a faith healer
sam asks dean if he wonders about putting what they do on hold if he ever meet a girl that is worth it
the way dean gets when people threaten to hurt sam 💀
“If hunting this demon means getting yourself killed then I hope we never find the damn thing.”
“Killing this demon comes first – before me, before everything”
when sam AGAIN just won’t accept that dean is gonna die
“no thanks”

when you’re so wrapped up in each other you can’t even bother to talk to new people
dude you barely woke up 💀
// dean literally kills anyone who MIGHT be infected

//sam GETS infected
dean knows sam is infected knows he’s going to become a monster and still won’t leave him or kill him, HE RATHER DIE 🥲
how easily he threatens to kill someone if they try to hurt sam
you don’t understand his brother almost died he HAS to grab his neck and caress him to make sure he is ok
“And yes, I know about Sam too. Bonnie to your Clyde.”

“Yeah, well, that part’s true.”
born under a bad sign - where dean literally try to cover a MURDER for sam
“How do you erase this? Huh? Sam, come on, I need your help.”
“I can't. I'd rather die.”
“Dean. Kill me, or I'm going to kill her. Please. You'd be doing me a favor! Shoot me. Shoot me!”

“No, Sammy, come on.”

“What the hell's wrong with you, Dean?”
dean finally got everything he wanted: his mom, a girlfriend, a happy life for sam and yet it wasn’t perfect because he and sam didn’t get along

Sam: I thought it was supposed to, to be this perfect fantasy.
Dean: It wasn't. It was just a wish
dean watching his dead brother for god knows how long and getting mad at the “suggestion” of burying his corpse
“what’s dead, should stay dead!” but not when it comes to sam
Sam: How could you make that deal, Dean?

Dean: ‘Cause I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it.
Sam easily killing two civilians that were possessed to protect his brother
literally arguing to see who’s gonna die for the other
how sam went fully psycho duct taping a guy to a chair and tearing his place down and dean just went on with it even tho he had no idea what was happening
sam kept ordering a burger as if his brother were still alive 🥲
bobby: so in order to summon the trickster and try to bring your brother back we have to kill someone

sam: ok let’s do it
when he said “there’s NOTHING i wouldn’t do for you” he wasn’t kidding
sam not only wanting dean to become a organ-stealing zombie if it means dean gets to live, but also being ok to become one if necessary
“I want to trade places with Dean”
angels: if you don’t bring us anna, we’ll kill you
dean: ok

angels: if you don’t bring us anna, we’ll kill SAM
– “They all described their stripper in the same way: Perfect, and everything that they wanted.”

– “Sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can cloak themselves.”
they were placed in this alternative universe where they don’t know each other and 3 days later they both quit their jobs to go hunting together
when dean can’t even put into words what he and sam have between them
a psychiatrist tells them their relationship is dangerously codependent and they aren’t even aware of that 🗣
“they'd rather save each other's sweet bacon than save the planet.”
dean was living his dream; life with a woman that loves him and a kid that felt like his and yet he would rather have his brother.

“you finally had what you wanted”
“I wanted my brother, alive!”
lisa basically telling dean she can’t be with him as long as sam is in his life
when dean pays a doctor to kill him so he can try to talk to Death and get sam’s soul back
tortured!sam tells himself that he doesn’t want to reabsorb him and wake up, that it’s gonna kill him and yet sam wants to because he can’t leave his brother
dean taking his cast off days earlier and by himself just to go after sam - who btw wrote a note saying he’d be back in a few days 💀
sam has a clown phobia because as a child he associated them to his brother leaving him 🥲
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