People need to remember and what this @ClimateAudit thread does so well: reveal the stage being set for the Mueller Special Counsel.

Dec ‘16 to June ‘17 was chock full of leaks leading to @GenFlynn being fired. What did it “prove”?

See next tweet.
What @GenFlynn firing “proved” was that the Trump/Russia Collusion Hoax leaks were WORKING.

Not even 2 full months into Trump’s term, top WH official has been “caught” trying to hide Trump/Russia collusion is forced to resign.
But even as Comey, McCabe & Strzok step up the SpyGate leaking against Flynn and other Trump targets, they’re already worried in February, right after Flynn resigned, about what happens when the President has enough of Comey’s lying to him and fires him also.
Now factor in the declassifications of the past three months. By April 2017 the SpyGate plotters are learning AG Sessions is NOT going to let the FBI handle the leaking “in-house” by letting the NSD do it.

Instead, Sessions is bringing in John Durham.
EVEN AS the SpyGate plotters are stepping up their leaking against Trump targets, by the end of the month of April they know Durham is already dogging them. Strzok is complaining to Lisa Page in May 2017 about having to be interviewed by Durham.
Of course, on May 9 Trump fires Comey. McCabe becomes Acting FBI Director. Strzok is trying to delay his Durham interview. Comey almost immediately begins leaking his memos through his professor friend to the NYT’s.
All while this is happening, bear in mind that Comey and Strzok both were informed by Sept. of 2016 that the Trump/Russia Collusion Hoax came straight from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

They need a corrupt Special Counsel to take Trump & Sessions OUT before Durham hits paydirt.
James Comey demanded the appointment of a Special Counsel to investigate this President for Russian collusion & possible obstruction of justice [related to a fake vilification campaign launched by Hillary Clinton, no less!] after he was fired on May 9, 2017.
And...voila'! On May 17, 2017, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein -who was in charge of all Russia related matters due to Jeff Sessions having recused himself - appointed Robert Mueller to be the Special Counsel James Comey was so loudly calling for.
Now I'm about to REALLY cross your wires, based on the new declassifications.

WHAT OTHER 2016 ELECTION-RELATED INVESTIGATION was already going on by May 17, 2017?

Anybody reading this thread knows what it was.
Sessions had to recuse himself because as Rep. Devin Nunes revealed in March of 2017, the **entire Trump transition team**, including Sessions, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Don Jr., Ivanka, etc. were having their EC's intercepted, transcribed & unmasked & circulated in Obama WH.
Sessions recusal meant Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein was in charge of all Russia & 2016 election-related investigations being run at the DOJ.

Air tight case there, right?

So by April of 2017, we **know** there was another 2016 Russia/election-related investigation underway, right?
I'm really REALLY belaboring the logic here because when I show you where I'm going, many of you are going to INSTANTLY REJECT IT.

But the facts are the facts, the declassifications show you what happened very clearly.
And the **facts** of the recent declassifications show you that Deputy AG Rod J. Rosenstein was RUNNING THE DURHAM INVESTIGATION ALONGSIDE THE MUELLER SPECIAL COUNSEL'S OFFICE.

Change my mind.
More coming later.

/pause button
[hits play button]

What did that LAST declassification from this week show you?

The one about Strzok texting Lisa Page about **other** open Trump-Russia CI investigations already underway **before** Crossfire Hurricane launched on July 31, 2016?
Well if you are capable of connecting dots [and many people are not but that's OK, that's what I'm here for...] that means those hidden-until-now-Trump-Russia-collusion-CI-investigations-started-before-Crossfire-Hurricane are **BEING INVESTIGATED BY JOHN DURHAM.
This week they decided to let the **public** know through a declassification there were multiple FBI CI investigations of Trump/Russia collusion going on before Crossfire launched on July 31.

Durham's known THAT for years. He's been **investigating** those other CI cases.
You have been watching a controlled rollout where they drop one more piece of the puzzle into place at a time.

1) Durham started in April 2017
2) Comey/Brennan knew it was all a Clinton dirty trick in July 2016; Brennan briefed Obama
3) Durham is targeting the Mueller SCO
4) If Sessions was recused, that means Rosenstein was running the Mueller SCO **and** the Durham probe parallel to each other
5) There were **other** FBI CI investigations already underway at the time Crossfire launched
6) Durham's SCO is investigating these hidden CI cases.
Barr officially leaves his job as Attorney General in [checks card] FIVE more days.

Let's see what drops by then.


Anybody who thinks Durham hasn't been investigating the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign needs to think that through again.

Clinton was using gov't LEO/intel/St. Dept. allies to dirty up **all** of her opposition.
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