On the advice of a nice lady at LEASE, I spoke to a nice lady at the Tribunal who heard our management company’s request to dispense with tender on an alarm. The application was made on the basis of fitting an alarm urgently to reduce waking watch costs (£50k+ per month). 1/
This is what the new £30m fund announced by @RobertJenrick @mhclg is supposed to combat. Alarm installed in Sept. To date, there has been no reduction in WW. They’ve been rebranded Evacuation Management. So I rang the Tribunal to find out what to do. Their decision was... /2
...based on a lie of cost saving. The response? They only made a decision based on works. I said, yes, but they applied based on cost saving.
‘Yes but we judged on works.’ A bit of back and forth to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding anything, and it’s apparent that it is... /3
...all perfectly legal. Tell the tribunal one thing, do another. Leaseholders can only complain about the service charges. Which they’ve said they’re unlikely to charge us until Sep 2021. By which point they’ll already have spent this money. Why does everything to do with /4
...the #claddingscandal and #leasehold seem so utterly backwards and unjust? I was up til 5am worrying about all this, I’m so deflated. @ukcag @EOCS_Official @GeorgeRobMartin #EndOurCladdingScandal #firesafety /end
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