I’ve spent the past 18+ months tracking GOP ties to white nationalists. We all saw the pic of @KLoeffler with neo-Nazi #ChesterDoles. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg in Georgia alone.

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American Patriots USA is a white supremacist group founded & led by neo-Nazi #ChesterDoles. To date, #APUSA members have been photographed with at least three U.S. Senators, two members of U.S. Congress — one outgoing and one incoming — and two Georgia State Representatives.
Here’s the now-infamous photo of #APUSA leader #ChesterDoles, a neo-Nazi and former KKK leader, with @KLoeffler, taken on Dec 11, 2020:
Here’s #APUSA Vice President & Lumpkin County Coordinator #JoshuaMote with Senators @KLoeffler & @TomCottonAR. This photo was taken on September 3, 2020.
Here’s #APUSA leader #JoshuaMote and #APUSA member #SeanKeena (a white supremacist who has praised Hitler & David Duke) with GA State Rep @MatthewGurtler and Senator @RandPaul. Not sure when it was taken, but it was posted July 12.
Here’s neo-Nazi and #APUSA founder #ChesterDoles with fellow supremacist and APUSA member #SeanKeena, posing with GA State Rep @vernonjonesga, who is sitting on Doles’ motorcycle. Doles shared these photos on September 13 and 14.
Here’s #APUSA member and white supremacist #SeanKeena with outgoing Congressman @RepDougCollins. This photo was posted on October 16, 2020.
Here’s Congresswoman-elect @mtgreenee with neo-Nazi #ChesterDoles, #APUSA Vice President #JoshuaMote, and 3 other #APUSA members. This photo was posted on June 2.
This thread isn’t the extent of the photos that exist with GOP candidates & officials. There’s just no way that @GaRepublicans, which is certainly assisting @KLoeffler’s campaign, doesn’t know APUSA Nazis are trying to connect w/ them. So why aren’t they doing anything about it?
H/t to @afainatl for their diligent tracking of #APUSA’s activity.

I get that politicians take lots of photos w/ lots of people & can’t vet everyone. But @GaRepublicans know who #ChesterDoles is. #APUSA’s attempts to engage w/ GOP politicians in Georgia have been successful enough times that this is no longer a “we can’t vet everyone” situation. https://twitter.com/egsophie/status/1339953400788766720
Deleted two previous tweets that had incorrect info (thanks to @afainatl for the correction!)

One the left: #APUSA member Michael Boggus with outgoing Congressman @RepDougCollins.

On the right, Boggus with neo-Nazi and APUSA founder #ChesterDoles & GA State Rep @vernonjonesga
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