Myriad workplace issues arose, questions poured in: How do I teach my applied, hands on, collaborative or lab classes? How do I assess my students in an on-line environment? Can I renegotiate the terms of my research grant? Must I euthanize lab animals? 2/9
One of the biggest of the big picture questions looming centred around facilitating a safe return to campuses — whenever that was to occur — and the short, medium and long-term impacts of the pandemic on post-secondary education (PSE) and the working lives of academic staff. 3/9
To better understand how the pandemic was impacting academic staff + the academic job, we surveyed our members. As an outspoken defender of academic freedom/workers’ rights, CAUT’s goal was to get a snapshot of the impact of COVID on workload/teaching/research/mental health. 4/9
Over 4,300 academic staff from all 10 provinces in Canada participated. As with any crowdsourced data, the findings cannot be applied to the overall post-secondary staff population across the country. But the results offer valuable insights on the experiences of participants. 5/9
Unsurprisingly, what we learned was both illuminating, yet not unexpected: Top concerns include challenges of remote teaching, workload, health and safety and job security. In response, CAUT has developed recommendations for PSE institutions and governments...6/9
We ask institutional administrators to work closely with academic staff associations, other campus unions, and Joint Health and Safety Committees on a comprehensive workplace safety plan until the risks from exposure to COVID-19 are contained...7/9
Also to provide paid sick leave measures and extended health benefits for all contract academic staff; improve mental health benefits for all staff. In particular contract academic staff should be properly compensated for additional preparation or instructional time...8/9
Those with disabilities/dependent care responsibilities shld be accommodated; academic freedom/collegial governance protected. In these difficult times, let us come together + find ways to survive this moment/set in motion changes we want to see in post-pandemic institutions. 9/9
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