Dear @FemAdesina,
Compliments of the season to you Sir!
Yesterday, during my morning rounds of the national dailies, I noticed, with utmost dismay, your article (of yesterday, Dec. 17, as published by @vanguardngrnews) in which, in my opinion, you vilified the hapless...
well-meaning Nigerians, who are still being locked-in with the economic and security horrors generously handed to them by a failed government; all in your attempt to eulogize your sacrosanct benefactor.

As a journalist of no mean repute, one with an intimidating pedigree, it...
is expected that you would have employed a better writing approach, void of impudence to Nigerians, in the conveyance of your eulogy of Mr. President. The hegemonic class has taken us for a ride for far too long, and its dictatorial tendencies shall no more be condoned. It...
therefore became imperative that I offer direct responses to some of the points you raised in your article.

You said we have ossified our minds against the truth; what truth exactly? That the President hasn’t lost grip - in all ramifications - of the nation in his care?

implied that the knowledge we have of the President is stunted because we have not worked with him closely as you’ve been privileged to. Well, know now that it is empirically impossible for even 1% of the nation’s population to work with him at close quarters. More so, if the...
excellent appraisal of our President can only be achieved by working at close quarters with him, and not necessarily by the consequences of his leadership, then he is an epitome of failed leadership.

You are correct! A blitzkrieg, from the army of haplessly deprived Nigerians,..
has been launched at him and his gluttonous oligarchy that have thoughtlessly plundered our commonwealth. I still can’t believe that you explicitly wished on the country you preside over by extension, the loss emanating from the perceived attack on your principal; but you’re...
wrong on this, @MBuhari is the ultimate loser, 1 Tim 3:1-7 references it better. I know you to be a religious scholar, so my certainty that you'll judiciously apply the Bible passage to suit the foregoing.
Even the same song you cited, ‘Little Did You Know’ also mentioned thus:
'Because I’m as free as the birds of the tree’… ‘And you make me a happy one’; now I ask, are we anything close to being free in this country as of today, especially under the @MBuhari administration? Are we happy, as citizens, with the state of the nation?

Your purported...
retirement of him, at 80, to Daura in about two years and five months would only be possible if Katsina State is safe enough for him to do so; recall the kidnap case that just occurred in his domain? And he will be the only one at a loss when he doesn’t have a place to retire...
to due to the insecurity he’s complicit in; and not the country like you posited. In fact, he has already lost the First Lady to Dubai, UAE; no thanks to insecurity. If the Aso Villa is unsafe, I wonder where else would be.

I honestly wouldn’t want to dabble into the topic of...
religious bigot which you mentioned, but recall that in 2001, he called for the full implementation of Sharia across the country. And without prejudice to the Muslims, also recall that earlier to that, he called for Muslims to vote at the next presidential elections only for...
someone who would defend their faith. Now he is a saint at condoning other religious denomination, could this be hypocrisy at play? Let’s leave it there.

Your assertion about every stock having its own deviants is true, but you’ll also agree with me that there’s no stock in...
Nigeria today, whether major or minor, that brandishes and wields the AK-47 rifle flagrantly like the Fulani herdsmen; and guess what, nobody cares, not even the security agencies, after all, they are President @MBuhari’s revered kinsmen.
True too, Mr. President didn’t choose...
to be born Fulani; but you see, just like the Nigerian International Passport is accorded disdain in foreign lands due to the atrocities of a minute few Nigerians, our general perception of the Fulani is due to the havoc committed by a select few of that extraction. Would you...
then blame us?

You absolved your principal of nepotistic tendencies, really? This is a clear contradiction to the reality before us. This is not where to reel out the names of appointees of top ministries, agencies and parastatals, but I challenge you to make public the...
scientific survey that you did, for public consumption; may be it would make us rescind the nepotistic view we hold of him. But until then, we will retain this view of him.

Kindness needs no advertisement. If your judgment of @MBuhari’s kindness is due to his handouts to you...
on the occasions of your bereavement, coronation, and study, then am short of words. Isn’t it common knowledge that a master would, most times, reward good stewardship? But then, away from the idea of master and steward, the subject of reference here is the President of a nation.
If the citizens cannot feel his benevolence from the effects of good leadership and policies that ultimately impacts the quality of their daily existence, then his score-sheet on kindness is F9.
More so, you are dead wrong with your presumption of us asking for a belated...
share of your largesse from Mr. President. We are the hardworking resilient Nigerians, even when there are no jobs and the economy is harsh, no thanks to your government, we are surviving.

I am maniacally bewildered by your assertion of your principal as being patriotic.
@MBuhari values the life of animals more than that of his citizens. He cares less about addressing his citizens when the need arises. He is unbothered about the unabated rise in the level of impunity in the country. Court orders hold no importance to him, he flouts them at will.
He looks away while his cronies plunder the nation to stupor. The list of accounts of him being unpatriotic is endless, but time and space won’t permit.

No one is plotting against @MBuhari not to succeed like you opined. It is said that a bad workman quarrels with his tools.
Your principal has dwelled on the blame-game for too long; you don’t blame others for your own failures. It is either your principal was not prepared for the office he vied for, or he has completely run out of ideas on how to run the office. Being President is not a bed of...
roses and definitely not for the inept. Nigerians want good leadership that will stir the nation to the paths of prosperity and ascertain the security of every life and property, under the guide of a good justice system.

Today, because you’re on the greener side of the...
divide, you dare call Nigerians cynical? What effrontery?! Despite everything your government has done to Nigerians? It is better for you (and your principal) to understand these Nigerians today, rather than tomorrow, for your own good. That would be the best gift you can give...
yourselves in the lifespan of this administration, and in the end we may pardon you, but we will never forget!

Do accept the assurances of my highest regards Sir!

Kind regards,
Deeply Concerned Citizen | Freelance Writer.
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