T&F recruits. Understand, no college coach is evaluating you based on invitational meets or just being the best on their team. They are evaluating you based on your potential to score points in the postseason. We don’t get paid for ____ Relays, we get paid for Conference and NCs
We are looking at your consistency. We look for how your progress thru a season. We look at how you perform in the postseason. In 24 years, I’ve never met a coach, whom has offered a dime to anyone that hasn’t at least made it to a state meet, including myself.
Aspiring college coaches, understand that we are evaluated by postseason success as well. If we can’t recruit, develop, guide, help athletes to postseason success, while doing every administrative task and executing the vision of the head coach, we don’t get to keep our jobs.
I’ve seen very good coaches fired for things outside of performances on the track. You have to be a good fit for that staff. Learn the difference between a job and the right job.
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